[Feature]: Spieler Daten #1

snoweuph merged 2 commits from story/td-3-player-registration into trunk 2025-02-11 10:46:46 +00:00




Anlegen der Spielerdaten

Weitere Infos

Es wird auf SHA-512 gesetzt, so wie auf ein 16 byte langes Salt.

### Ticket TD-3 ### Beschreibung Anlegen der Spielerdaten ### Weitere Infos Es wird auf SHA-512 gesetzt, so wie auf ein 16 byte langes Salt.
snoweuph added 2 commits 2025-02-11 10:37:53 +00:00
TD-3: Create Player Service with Password Methods
All checks were successful
Quality Check / Validate OAS (push) Successful in 31s
Quality Check / Testing (push) Successful in 48s
Quality Check / Static Analysis (push) Successful in 59s
Quality Check / Linting (push) Successful in 1m10s
Quality Check / Validate OAS (pull_request) Successful in 29s
Quality Check / Testing (pull_request) Successful in 46s
Quality Check / Linting (pull_request) Successful in 52s
Quality Check / Static Analysis (pull_request) Successful in 55s
requested review from SZUT-Kevin 2025-02-11 10:37:59 +00:00
SZUT-Kevin requested changes 2025-02-11 10:39:44 +00:00
SZUT-Kevin left a comment

Keine Magic Numbers!

Keine Magic Numbers!
snoweuph force-pushed story/td-3-player-registration from 0b69697c56 to ce70e4affe 2025-02-11 10:43:00 +00:00 Compare
snoweuph force-pushed story/td-3-player-registration from ce70e4affe to 3877b8f466 2025-02-11 10:43:51 +00:00 Compare
requested review from SZUT-Kevin 2025-02-11 10:44:16 +00:00
SZUT-Kevin approved these changes 2025-02-11 10:45:02 +00:00
SZUT-Kevin left a comment

Das ist ein guter Code, 10 Punkte für Gryffindor!

Das ist ein guter Code, 10 Punkte für Gryffindor!
snoweuph scheduled this pull request to auto merge when all checks succeed 2025-02-11 10:45:22 +00:00
snoweuph merged commit d2613576ee into trunk 2025-02-11 10:46:46 +00:00
snoweuph deleted branch story/td-3-player-registration 2025-02-11 10:46:46 +00:00
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Reference: TowerDefence/Server#1
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