154 lines
5.1 KiB
154 lines
5.1 KiB
const ShaderShared = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
struct Viewport
float width;
float height;
vec2 QuadPosition(int vertex_id, float min_x, float min_y, float max_x, float max_y)
// Quad indices are:
// 2 3
// +----+
// | |
// +----+
// 0 1
vec2 position;
position.x = (vertex_id & 1) == 0 ? min_x : max_x;
position.y = (vertex_id & 2) == 0 ? min_y : max_y;
return position;
vec4 UVToNDC(Viewport viewport, vec2 uv)
// NDC is:
// -1 to 1, left to right
// -1 to 1, bottom to top
vec4 ndc_pos;
ndc_pos.x = (uv.x / viewport.width) * 2.0 - 1.0;
ndc_pos.y = 1.0 - (uv.y / viewport.height) * 2.0;
ndc_pos.z = 0.0;
ndc_pos.w = 1.0;
return ndc_pos;
vec4 TextureBufferLookup(sampler2D sampler, float index, float length)
vec2 uv = vec2((index + 0.5) / length, 0.5);
return texture(sampler, uv);
struct TextBufferDesc
float fontWidth;
float fontHeight;
float textBufferLength;
uniform sampler2D inFontAtlasTexture;
uniform sampler2D inTextBuffer;
uniform TextBufferDesc inTextBufferDesc;
float LookupCharacter(float char_ascii, float pos_x, float pos_y, float font_width_px, float font_height_px)
// 2D index of the ASCII character in the font atlas
float char_index_y = floor(char_ascii / 16.0);
float char_index_x = char_ascii - char_index_y * 16.0;
// Start UV of the character in the font atlas
float char_base_uv_x = char_index_x / 16.0;
float char_base_uv_y = char_index_y / 16.0;
// UV within the character itself, scaled to the font atlas
float char_uv_x = pos_x / (font_width_px * 16.0);
float char_uv_y = pos_y / (font_height_px * 16.0);
vec2 uv;
uv.x = char_base_uv_x + char_uv_x;
uv.y = char_base_uv_y + char_uv_y;
// Strip colour and return alpha only
return texture(inFontAtlasTexture, uv).a;
float LookupText(vec2 render_pos_px, float text_buffer_offset, float text_length_chars)
// Font description
float font_width_px = inTextBufferDesc.fontWidth;
float font_height_px = inTextBufferDesc.fontHeight;
float text_buffer_length = inTextBufferDesc.textBufferLength;
float text_length_px = text_length_chars * font_width_px;
// Text pixel position clamped to the bounds of the full word, allowing leakage to neighbouring NULL characters to pad zeroes
vec2 text_pixel_pos;
text_pixel_pos.x = max(min(render_pos_px.x, text_length_px), -1.0);
text_pixel_pos.y = max(min(render_pos_px.y, font_height_px - 1.0), 0.0);
// Index of the current character in the text buffer
float text_index = text_buffer_offset + floor(text_pixel_pos.x / font_width_px);
// Sample the 1D text buffer to get the ASCII character index
float char_ascii = TextureBufferLookup(inTextBuffer, text_index, text_buffer_length).a * 255.0;
return LookupCharacter(char_ascii,
text_pixel_pos.x - (text_index - text_buffer_offset) * font_width_px,
font_width_px, font_height_px);
float NbIntegerCharsForNumber(float number)
float number_int = floor(number);
return number_int == 0.0 ? 1.0 : floor(log(number_int) / 2.302585092994046) + 1.0;
// Base-10 lookup table for shifting digits of a float to the range 0-9 where they can be rendered
const float g_Multipliers[14] = float[14](
// Decimal part multipliers
1000.0, 100.0, 10.0,
// Zero entry for maintaining the ASCII "." base when rendering the period
// Integer part multipliers
1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000001, 0.0000001, 0.00000001, 0.000000001 );
float LookupNumber(vec2 render_pos_px, float number, float nb_float_chars)
// Font description
float font_width_px = inTextBufferDesc.fontWidth;
float font_height_px = inTextBufferDesc.fontHeight;
float text_buffer_length = inTextBufferDesc.textBufferLength;
float number_integer_chars = NbIntegerCharsForNumber(number);
// Clip
render_pos_px.y = max(min(render_pos_px.y, font_height_px - 1.0), 0.0);
float number_index = floor(render_pos_px.x / font_width_px);
if (number_index >= 0.0 && number_index < number_integer_chars + nb_float_chars)
// When we are indexing the period separating integer and decimal, set the base to ASCII "."
// The lookup table stores zero for this entry, multipying with the addend to produce no shift from this base
float base = (number_index == number_integer_chars) ? 46.0 : 48.0;
// Calculate digit using the current number index base-10 shift
float multiplier = g_Multipliers[int(number_integer_chars - number_index) + 3];
float number_shifted_int = floor(number * multiplier);
float number_digit = floor(mod(number_shifted_int, 10.0));
return LookupCharacter(base + number_digit,
render_pos_px.x - number_index * font_width_px,
font_width_px, font_height_px);
return 0.0;