
497 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-11-13 21:31:36 +00:00
// TODO(don): Separate all knowledge of threads from this timeline
TimelineWindow = (function()
var BORDER = 10;
function TimelineWindow(wm, name, settings, check_handler, gl_canvas)
this.Settings = settings;
this.glCanvas = gl_canvas;
// Create timeline window
this.Window = wm.AddWindow("Timeline", 10, 20, 100, 100, null, this);
this.timelineMarkers = new TimelineMarkers(this);
// DO THESE need to be containers... can they just be divs?
// divs need a retrieval function
this.TimelineLabelScrollClipper = this.Window.AddControlNew(new WM.Container(10, 10, 10, 10));
DOM.Node.AddClass(this.TimelineLabelScrollClipper.Node, "TimelineLabelScrollClipper");
this.TimelineLabels = this.TimelineLabelScrollClipper.AddControlNew(new WM.Container(0, 0, 10, 10));
DOM.Node.AddClass(this.TimelineLabels.Node, "TimelineLabels");
// Ordered list of thread rows on the timeline
this.ThreadRows = [ ];
// Create timeline container
this.TimelineContainer = this.Window.AddControlNew(new WM.Container(10, 10, 800, 160));
DOM.Node.AddClass(this.TimelineContainer.Node, "TimelineContainer");
// Setup mouse interaction
this.mouseInteraction = new MouseInteraction(this.TimelineContainer.Node);
this.mouseInteraction.onClickHandler = (mouse_state) => OnMouseClick(this, mouse_state);
this.mouseInteraction.onMoveHandler = (mouse_state, mx, my) => OnMouseMove(this, mouse_state, mx, my);
this.mouseInteraction.onHoverHandler = (mouse_state) => OnMouseHover(this, mouse_state);
this.mouseInteraction.onScrollHandler = (mouse_state) => OnMouseScroll(this, mouse_state);
// Allow user to click on the thread name to deselect any threads as finding empty space may be difficult
DOM.Event.AddHandler(this.TimelineLabels.Node, "mousedown", (evt) => OnLabelMouseDown(this, evt));
this.Window.SetOnResize(Bind(OnUserResize, this));
this.OnHoverHandler = null;
this.OnSelectedHandler = null;
this.OnMovedHandler = null;
this.CheckHandler = check_handler;
this.yScrollOffset = 0;
this.HoverSampleInfo = null;
this.lastHoverThreadName = null;
TimelineWindow.prototype.Clear = function()
// Clear out labels
this.ThreadRows = [ ];
this.TimeRange = new PixelTimeRange(0, 200 * 1000, this.TimelineContainer.Node.clientWidth);
TimelineWindow.prototype.SetOnHover = function(handler)
this.OnHoverHandler = handler;
TimelineWindow.prototype.SetOnSelected = function(handler)
this.OnSelectedHandler = handler;
TimelineWindow.prototype.SetOnMoved = function(handler)
this.OnMovedHandler = handler;
TimelineWindow.prototype.WindowResized = function(x, width, top_window)
// Resize window
var top = top_window.Position[1] + top_window.Size[1] + 10;
this.Window.SetPosition(x, top);
this.Window.SetSize(width - 2 * 10, 260);
TimelineWindow.prototype.OnSamples = function(thread_name, frame_history)
// Shift the timeline to the last entry on this thread
var last_frame = frame_history[frame_history.length - 1];
// Search for the index of this thread
var thread_index = -1;
for (var i in this.ThreadRows)
if (this.ThreadRows[i].Name == thread_name)
thread_index = i;
// If this thread has not been seen before, add a new row to the list
if (thread_index == -1)
var row = new TimelineRow(, thread_name, this, frame_history, this.CheckHandler);
// Sort thread rows in the collection by name
this.ThreadRows.sort((a, b) => a.Name.localeCompare(b.Name));
// Resort the view by removing timeline row nodes from their DOM parents and re-adding
const thread_rows = new Array();
for (let thread_row of this.ThreadRows)
for (let thread_row of thread_rows)
TimelineWindow.prototype.DrawBackground = function()
const gl =;
const program = this.glCanvas.timelineBackgroundProgram;
// Set viewport parameters
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.width", gl.canvas.width);
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.height", gl.canvas.height);
this.glCanvas.SetContainerUniforms(program, this.TimelineContainer.Node);
// Set row parameters
const row_rect = this.TimelineLabels.Node.getBoundingClientRect();
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inYOffset",;
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
TimelineWindow.prototype.Deselect = function(thread_name)
for (let thread_row of this.ThreadRows)
if (thread_name == thread_row.Name)
thread_row.SelectSampleInfo = null;
TimelineWindow.prototype.DrawSampleHighlights = function()
const gl =;
const program = this.glCanvas.timelineHighlightProgram;
// Set viewport parameters
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.width", gl.canvas.width);
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.height", gl.canvas.height);
// Set time range parameters
const time_range = this.TimeRange;
time_range.SetAsUniform(gl, program);
for (let thread_row of this.ThreadRows)
// Draw highlight for hover row
if (this.HoverSampleInfo != null && this.HoverSampleInfo[3] == thread_row)
const frame = this.HoverSampleInfo[0];
const offset = this.HoverSampleInfo[1];
const depth = this.HoverSampleInfo[2];
thread_row.DrawSampleHighlight(this.glCanvas, this.TimelineContainer.Node, frame, offset, depth, false);
// Draw highlight for any samples selected on this row
if (thread_row.SelectSampleInfo != null)
const frame = thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[0];
const offset = thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[1];
const depth = thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[2];
thread_row.DrawSampleHighlight(this.glCanvas, this.TimelineContainer.Node, frame, offset, depth, true);
TimelineWindow.prototype.DrawSampleGpuToCpu = function()
const gl =;
const program = this.glCanvas.timelineGpuToCpuProgram;
// Set viewport parameters
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.width", gl.canvas.width);
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.height", gl.canvas.height);
// Set time range parameters
const time_range = this.TimeRange;
time_range.SetAsUniform(gl, program);
// Draw pointer for hover rows
for (let thread_row of this.ThreadRows)
if (this.HoverSampleInfo != null && this.HoverSampleInfo[3] == thread_row)
const frame = this.HoverSampleInfo[0];
const offset = this.HoverSampleInfo[1];
const depth = this.HoverSampleInfo[2];
thread_row.DrawSampleGpuToCpu(this.glCanvas, this.TimelineContainer.Node, frame, offset, depth);
TimelineWindow.prototype.Draw = function()
const gl =;
const program = this.glCanvas.timelineProgram;
// Set viewport parameters
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.width", gl.canvas.width);
glSetUniform(gl, program, "inViewport.height", gl.canvas.height);
// Set time range parameters
const time_range = this.TimeRange;
time_range.SetAsUniform(gl, program);
for (let i in this.ThreadRows)
var thread_row = this.ThreadRows[i];
thread_row.Draw(this.glCanvas, this.TimelineContainer.Node);
function OnUserResize(self, evt)
function ResizeInternals(self)
// .TimelineRowLabel
// .TimelineRowExpand
// .TimelineRowExpand
// .TimelineRowCheck
// Window padding
let offset_x = 145+19+19+19+10;
let MarkersHeight = 18;
var parent_size = self.Window.Size;
self.timelineMarkers.Resize(BORDER + offset_x, 10, parent_size[0] - 2* BORDER - offset_x, MarkersHeight);
// Resize controls
self.TimelineContainer.SetPosition(BORDER + offset_x, 10 + MarkersHeight);
self.TimelineContainer.SetSize(parent_size[0] - 2 * BORDER - offset_x, parent_size[1] - MarkersHeight - 40);
self.TimelineLabelScrollClipper.SetPosition(10, 10 + MarkersHeight);
self.TimelineLabelScrollClipper.SetSize(offset_x, parent_size[1] - MarkersHeight - 40);
self.TimelineLabels.SetSize(offset_x, parent_size[1] - MarkersHeight - 40);
// Adjust time range to new width
const width = self.TimelineContainer.Node.clientWidth;
function OnMouseScroll(self, mouse_state)
let scale = 1.11;
if (mouse_state.WheelDelta > 0)
scale = 1 / scale;
// What time is the mouse hovering over?
let mouse_pos = self.TimelineMousePosition(mouse_state);
let time_us = self.TimeRange.TimeAtPosition(mouse_pos[0]);
// Calculate start time relative to the mouse hover position
var time_start_us = self.TimeRange.Start_us - time_us;
// Scale and offset back to the hover time
self.TimeRange.Set(time_start_us * scale + time_us, self.TimeRange.Span_us * scale);
if (self.OnMovedHandler)
TimelineWindow.prototype.SetTimeRange = function(start_us, span_us)
this.TimeRange.Set(start_us, span_us);
TimelineWindow.prototype.DisplayHeight = function()
// Sum height of each thread row
let height = 0;
for (thread_row of this.ThreadRows)
height += thread_row.DisplayHeight();
return height;
TimelineWindow.prototype.MoveVertically = function(y_scroll)
// Calculate the minimum negative value the position of the labels can be to account for scrolling to the bottom
// of the label/depth list
let display_height = this.DisplayHeight();
let container_height = this.TimelineLabelScrollClipper.Node.clientHeight;
let minimum_y = Math.min(container_height - display_height, 0.0);
// Resize the label container to match the display height = Math.max(display_height, container_height);
// Increment the y-scroll using just-calculated limits
let old_y_scroll_offset = this.yScrollOffset;
this.yScrollOffset = Math.min(Math.max(this.yScrollOffset + y_scroll, minimum_y), 0);
// Calculate how much the labels should actually scroll after limiting and apply
let y_scroll_px = this.yScrollOffset - old_y_scroll_offset; = this.TimelineLabels.Node.offsetTop + y_scroll_px;
TimelineWindow.prototype.TimelineMousePosition = function(mouse_state)
// Position of the mouse relative to the timeline container
let node_offset = DOM.Node.GetPosition(this.TimelineContainer.Node);
let mouse_x = mouse_state.Position[0] - node_offset[0];
let mouse_y = mouse_state.Position[1] - node_offset[1];
// Offset by the amount of scroll
mouse_y -= this.yScrollOffset;
return [ mouse_x, mouse_y ];
TimelineWindow.prototype.GetHoverThreadRow = function(mouse_pos)
// Search for the thread row the mouse intersects
let height = 0;
for (let thread_row of this.ThreadRows)
let row_height = thread_row.DisplayHeight();
if (mouse_pos[1] >= height && mouse_pos[1] < height + row_height)
// Mouse y relative to row start
mouse_pos[1] -= height;
return thread_row;
height += row_height;
return null;
function OnMouseClick(self, mouse_state)
// Are we hovering over a thread row?
const mouse_pos = self.TimelineMousePosition(mouse_state);
const hover_thread_row = self.GetHoverThreadRow(mouse_pos);
if (hover_thread_row != null)
// Are we hovering over a sample?
const time_us = self.TimeRange.TimeAtPosition(mouse_pos[0]);
const sample_info = hover_thread_row.GetSampleAtPosition(time_us, mouse_pos[1]);
if (sample_info != null)
// Toggle deselect if this sample is already selected
if (hover_thread_row.SelectSampleInfo != null &&
sample_info[0] == hover_thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[0] && sample_info[1] == hover_thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[1] &&
sample_info[2] == hover_thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[2] && sample_info[3] == hover_thread_row.SelectSampleInfo[3])
self.OnSelectedHandler?.(hover_thread_row.Name, null);
// Otherwise select
self.OnSelectedHandler?.(hover_thread_row.Name, sample_info);
// Deselect if not hovering over a sample
self.OnSelectedHandler?.(hover_thread_row.Name, null);
function OnLabelMouseDown(self, evt)
// Deselect sample on this thread
const mouse_state = new Mouse.State(evt);
let mouse_pos = self.TimelineMousePosition(mouse_state);
const thread_row = self.GetHoverThreadRow(mouse_pos);
self.OnSelectedHandler?.(thread_row.Name, null);
function OnMouseMove(self, mouse_state, move_offset_x, move_offset_y)
// Shift the visible time range with mouse movement
const time_offset_us = move_offset_x / self.TimeRange.usPerPixel;
self.TimeRange.SetStart(self.TimeRange.Start_us - time_offset_us);
// Control vertical movement
// Notify
function OnMouseHover(self, mouse_state)
// Check for hover ending
if (mouse_state == null)
self.OnHoverHandler?.(self.lastHoverThreadName, null);
// Are we hovering over a thread row?
const mouse_pos = self.TimelineMousePosition(mouse_state);
const hover_thread_row = self.GetHoverThreadRow(mouse_pos);
if (hover_thread_row != null)
// Are we hovering over a sample?
const time_us = self.TimeRange.TimeAtPosition(mouse_pos[0]);
self.HoverSampleInfo = hover_thread_row.GetSampleAtPosition(time_us, mouse_pos[1]);
// Exit hover for the last hover row
self.OnHoverHandler?.(self.lastHoverThreadName, null);
self.lastHoverThreadName = hover_thread_row.Name;
// Tell listeners which sample we're hovering over
self.OnHoverHandler?.(hover_thread_row.Name, self.HoverSampleInfo);
self.HoverSampleInfo = null;
return TimelineWindow;