import * as glob from '@actions/glob' import {debug} from '@actions/core' import {lstatSync} from 'fs' import {dirname} from 'path' export interface SearchResult { filesToUpload: string[] rootDirectory: string } function getDefaultGlobOptions(): glob.GlobOptions { return { followSymbolicLinks: true, implicitDescendants: true, omitBrokenSymbolicLinks: true } } export async function findFilesToUpload( searchPath: string, globOptions?: glob.GlobOptions ): Promise<SearchResult> { const searchResults: string[] = [] const globber = await glob.create( searchPath, globOptions || getDefaultGlobOptions() ) const rawSearchResults: string[] = await globber.glob() /* Directories will be rejected if attempted to be uploaded. This includes just empty directories so filter any directories out from the raw search results */ for (const searchResult of rawSearchResults) { if (!lstatSync(searchResult).isDirectory()) { debug(`File:${searchResult} was found using the provided searchPath`) searchResults.push(searchResult) } else { debug( `Removing ${searchResult} from rawSearchResults because it is a directory` ) } } /* Only a single search pattern is being included so only 1 searchResult is expected. In the future if multiple search patterns are simultaneously supported this will change */ const searchPaths: string[] = globber.getSearchPaths() if (searchPaths.length > 1) { throw new Error('Only 1 search path should be returned') } /* Special case for a single file artifact that is uploaded without a directory or wildcard pattern. The directory structure is not preserved and the root directory will be the single files parent directory */ if (searchResults.length === 1 && searchPaths[0] === searchResults[0]) { return { filesToUpload: searchResults, rootDirectory: dirname(searchResults[0]) } } return { filesToUpload: searchResults, rootDirectory: searchPaths[0] } }