import * as os from 'os' import * as path from 'path' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as artifact from '@actions/artifact' import {Inputs, Outputs} from './constants' const PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = 5 export const chunk = (arr: T[], n: number): T[][] => arr.reduce((acc, cur, i) => { const index = Math.floor(i / n) acc[index] = [...(acc[index] || []), cur] return acc }, [] as T[][]) async function run(): Promise { const inputs = { name: core.getInput(Inputs.Name, {required: false}), path: core.getInput(Inputs.Path, {required: false}), token: core.getInput(Inputs.GitHubToken, {required: true}), repository: core.getInput(Inputs.Repository, {required: true}), runID: parseInt(core.getInput(Inputs.RunID, {required: true})) } if (!inputs.path) { inputs.path = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] || process.cwd() } if (inputs.path.startsWith(`~`)) { inputs.path = inputs.path.replace('~', os.homedir()) } const resolvedPath = path.resolve(inputs.path) core.debug(`Resolved path is ${resolvedPath}`) const [owner, repo] = inputs.repository.split('/') if (!owner || !repo) { throw new Error( `Invalid repository: '${inputs.repository}'. Must be in format owner/repo` ) } const isSingleArtifactDownload = !! const artifactClient = artifact.create() let artifacts: artifact.Artifact[] = [] if (isSingleArtifactDownload) { const {artifact: targetArtifact} = await artifactClient.getArtifact(, inputs.runID, owner, repo, inputs.token ) if (!targetArtifact) { throw new Error(`Artifact '${}' not found`) } core.debug( `Found named artifact '${}' (ID: ${}, Size: ${targetArtifact.size})` ) artifacts = [targetArtifact] } else { const listArtifactResponse = await artifactClient.listArtifacts( inputs.runID, owner, repo, inputs.token ) if (listArtifactResponse.artifacts.length === 0) { throw new Error( `No artifacts found for run '${inputs.runID}' in '${inputs.repository}'` ) } core.debug(`Found ${listArtifactResponse.artifacts.length} artifacts`) artifacts = listArtifactResponse.artifacts } const downloadPromises = => artifactClient.downloadArtifact(, owner, repo, inputs.token, { path: isSingleArtifactDownload? resolvedPath : path.join(resolvedPath, }) ) const chunkedPromises = chunk(downloadPromises, PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS) for (const chunk of chunkedPromises) { await Promise.all(chunk) }`Total of ${artifacts.length} artifact(s) downloaded`) core.setOutput(Outputs.DownloadPath, resolvedPath)'Download artifact has finished successfully') } run().catch(err => core.setFailed(`Unable to download artifact(s): ${err.message}`) )