import * as context from '../src/context'; describe('getInputList', () => { it('handles single line correctly', async () => { await setInput('foo', 'bar'); const res = await context.getInputList('foo'); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['bar']); }); it('handles multiple lines correctly', async () => { setInput('foo', 'bar\nbaz'); const res = await context.getInputList('foo'); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['bar', 'baz']); }); it('handles comma correctly', async () => { setInput('foo', 'bar,baz'); const res = await context.getInputList('foo'); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['bar', 'baz']); }); it('handles different new lines correctly', async () => { setInput('foo', 'bar\r\nbaz'); const res = await context.getInputList('foo'); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['bar', 'baz']); }); it('handles different new lines and comma correctly', async () => { setInput('foo', 'bar\r\nbaz,bat'); const res = await context.getInputList('foo'); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['bar', 'baz', 'bat']); }); it('handles multiple lines and ignoring comma correctly', async () => { setInput('driver-opts', 'image=moby/buildkit:master\nnetwork=host'); const res = await context.getInputList('driver-opts', true); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['image=moby/buildkit:master', 'network=host']); }); it('handles different new lines and ignoring comma correctly', async () => { setInput('driver-opts', 'image=moby/buildkit:master\r\nnetwork=host'); const res = await context.getInputList('driver-opts', true); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(['image=moby/buildkit:master', 'network=host']); }); }); describe('asyncForEach', () => { it('executes async tasks sequentially', async () => { const testValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const results: number[] = []; await context.asyncForEach(testValues, async value => { results.push(value); }); expect(results).toEqual(testValues); }); }); // See: function getInputName(name: string): string { return `INPUT_${name.replace(/ /g, '_').toUpperCase()}`; } function setInput(name: string, value: string): void { process.env[getInputName(name)] = value; }