import {expect, jest, test} from '@jest/globals'; // import * as dockerModule from '../src/docker'; import {login} from '../src/docker'; import {Docker} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/docker/docker'; test('login retries function', async () => { let stderrStrings: string[] = []; let callCount: number = -1; // using spyOn() here isn't enough, as we alter the logic // so use `jest.fn()` here for the `Docker.getExecOutput` Docker.getExecOutput = jest.fn(async () => { callCount++; console.log(`Mock: ${callCount}, ${stderrStrings}`); if (callCount >= stderrStrings.length) { return { exitCode: 0, stdout: 'Mock success', stderr: '' }; } return { exitCode: 1, stdout: '', stderr: stderrStrings[callCount % stderrStrings.length] }; }); const username = 'dbowie'; const password = 'groundcontrol'; const registry = ''; stderrStrings = ['mock error, failed with status: 408 Request Timeout', 'mock error, failed with status: 502 Request Timeout', 'mock error, failed with status: 400 Request Timeout']; callCount = -1; await expect(async () => { await login(registry, username, password, 'false', ['408', '400'], 5, 0.1); }).rejects.toThrow('mock error, failed with status: 502 Request Timeout'); expect(Docker.getExecOutput).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); stderrStrings = ['not matching error', 'mock error, failed with status: 502 Request Timeout', 'mock error, failed with status: 400 Request Timeout']; callCount = -1; await expect(async () => { await login(registry, username, password, 'false', ['408', '400'], 5, 0.1); }).rejects.toThrow('not matching error'); expect(Docker.getExecOutput).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2 + 1); });