The git reference will be based on the [event that triggered your workflow](
Building from the current repository automatically uses the [GitHub Token](,
> If you're using the [`actions/download-artifact`](
> action in your workflow, you need to ignore the build record artifacts
> if `name` and `pattern` inputs are not specified ([defaults to download all artifacts]( of the workflow),
> otherwise the action will fail:
> ```yaml
> - uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
> with:
> pattern: "!*.dockerbuild"
> ```
> More info:
| `build-args` | List | List of [build-time variables]( |
| `build-contexts` | List | List of additional [build contexts]( (e.g., `name=path`) |
| `cache-from` | List | List of [external cache sources]( (e.g., `type=local,src=path/to/dir`) |
| `cache-to` | List | List of [cache export destinations]( (e.g., `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`) |
| `cgroup-parent` | String | Optional [parent cgroup]( for the container used in the build |
| `context` | String | Build's context is the set of files located in the specified [`PATH` or `URL`]( (default [Git context](#git-context)) |
| `file` | String | Path to the Dockerfile. (default `{context}/Dockerfile`) |
| `labels` | List | List of metadata for an image |
| `load` | Bool | [Load]( is a shorthand for `--output=type=docker` (default `false`) |
| `network` | String | Set the networking mode for the `RUN` instructions during build |
| `no-cache` | Bool | Do not use cache when building the image (default `false`) |
| `no-cache-filters` | List/CSV | Do not cache specified stages |
| `outputs` | List | List of [output destinations]( (format: `type=local,dest=path`) |
| `platforms` | List/CSV | List of [target platforms]( for build |
| `provenance` | Bool/String | Generate [provenance]( attestation for the build (shorthand for `--attest=type=provenance`) |
| `pull` | Bool | Always attempt to pull all referenced images (default `false`) |
| `push` | Bool | [Push]( is a shorthand for `--output=type=registry` (default `false`) |
| `sbom` | Bool/String | Generate [SBOM]( attestation for the build (shorthand for `--attest=type=sbom`) |
| `secrets` | List | List of [secrets]( to expose to the build (e.g., `key=string`, `GIT_AUTH_TOKEN=mytoken`) |
| `secret-envs` | List/CSV | List of [secret env vars]( to expose to the build (e.g., `key=envname`, `MY_SECRET=MY_ENV_VAR`) |
| `secret-files` | List | List of [secret files]( to expose to the build (e.g., `key=filename`, `MY_SECRET=./secret.txt`) |
| `DOCKER_BUILD_CHECKS_ANNOTATIONS` | Bool | `true` | If `false`, GitHub annotations are not generated for [build checks]( |
| `DOCKER_BUILD_RECORD_UPLOAD` | Bool | `true` | If `false`, build record upload as [GitHub artifact]( is disabled |
| `DOCKER_BUILD_RECORD_RETENTION_DAYS` | Number | | Duration after which build record artifact will expire in days. Defaults to repository/org [retention settings]( if unset or `0` |