name: Build Application on: push: tags: - 'v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-rc\.[0-9]+)?' - "v*" jobs: build: runs-on: stable container: image: steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: "" - uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | ~/.gradle/caches ~/.gradle/wrapper key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle*', '**/') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-gradle- - name: "Prepare Gradle" run: gradle clean - name: "Build Jar" run: gradle bootJar -Pversion=${{ github.ref_name }} - name: Upload Jar as Artifact uses: "" with: name: tower_defence_server.jar path: build/libs/Tower-Defence-Server-${{ github.ref_name }}.jar - name: Upload API Spec as Artifact uses: "" with: name: api.yml path: api/api.yml - name: Upload Websocket Spec as Artifact uses: "" with: name: ws.yml path: ws/ws.yml - name: "Stop Gradle" run: gradle --stop build-docker: runs-on: docker needs: - build steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: "" - name: Download artifact from previous job uses: "" with: name: tower_defence_server.jar path: .forgejo/workflows/ - name: Login to Registry uses: "" with: registry: username: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_USER }} password: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_SECRET }} - name: Build and push Web Image uses: "" with: context: ".forgejo/workflows/" push: true build-args: VERSION=${{ github.ref_name }} tags: |${{ github.ref_name }} ${{ contains(github.ref_name, 'rc') == false && '' || '' }} release: runs-on: stable container: image: needs: - build - build-docker steps: - name: Download Server Jar uses: "" with: name: tower_defence_server.jar path: release - name: Download API Spec uses: "" with: name: api.yml path: release - name: Download Websocket Spec uses: "" with: name: ws.yml path: release - name: Create Release uses: "" with: direction: upload tag: ${{ github.ref_name }} token: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_TOKEN }} prerelease: ${{ contains( github.ref_name, "rc") }} release-dir: release release-notes: | # Tower Defence - Server ${{ github.ref_name }} Read the [Documentation]( to see how to setup the server.