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311 lines
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class_name JsonClassConverter
# Flag to control whether to save nested resources as separate .tres files
static var save_temp_resources_tres: bool = false
## Checks if the provided class is valid (not null)
static func _check_cast_class(castClass: GDScript) -> bool:
if typeof(castClass) == Variant.Type.TYPE_NIL:
printerr("The provided class is null.")
return false
return true
## Checks if the directory for the given file path exists, creating it if necessary.
static func check_dir(file_path: String) -> void:
if !DirAccess.dir_exists_absolute(file_path.get_base_dir()):
#region Json to Class
## Loads a JSON file and parses it into a Dictionary.
## Supports optional decryption using a security key.
static func json_file_to_dict(file_path: String, security_key: String = "") -> Dictionary:
var file: FileAccess
if FileAccess.file_exists(file_path):
if security_key.length() == 0:
file = FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.READ)
file = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass(file_path, FileAccess.READ, security_key)
if not file:
printerr("Error opening file: ", file_path)
return {}
var parsed_results: Variant = JSON.parse_string(file.get_as_text())
if parsed_results is Dictionary or parsed_results is Array:
return parsed_results
return {}
## Loads a JSON file and converts its contents into a Godot class instance.
## Uses the provided GDScript (castClass) as a template for the class.
static func json_file_to_class(castClass: GDScript, file_path: String, security_key: String = "") -> Object:
if not _check_cast_class(castClass):
printerr("The provided class is null.")
return null
var parsed_results = json_file_to_dict(file_path, security_key)
if parsed_results == null:
return castClass.new()
return json_to_class(castClass, parsed_results)
## Converts a JSON string into a Godot class instance.
static func json_string_to_class(castClass: GDScript, json_string: String) -> Object:
if not _check_cast_class(castClass):
printerr("The provided class is null.")
return null
var json: JSON = JSON.new()
var parse_result: Error = json.parse(json_string)
if parse_result == Error.OK:
return json_to_class(castClass, json.data)
return castClass.new()
## Converts a JSON dictionary into a Godot class instance.
## This is the core deserialization function.
static func json_to_class(castClass: GDScript, json: Dictionary) -> Object:
# Create an instance of the target class
var _class: Object = castClass.new() as Object
var properties: Array = _class.get_property_list()
# Iterate through each key-value pair in the JSON dictionary
for key: String in json.keys():
var value: Variant = json[key]
# Special handling for Vector types (stored as strings in JSON)
if type_string(typeof(value)) == "String" and value.begins_with("Vector"):
value = str_to_var(value)
# Find the matching property in the target class
for property: Dictionary in properties:
# Skip the 'script' property (built-in)
if property.name == "script":
# Get the current value of the property in the class instance
var property_value: Variant = _class.get(property.name)
# If the property name matches the JSON key and is a script variable:
if property.name == key and property.usage >= PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE:
# Case 1: Property is an Object (not an array)
if not property_value is Array and property.type == TYPE_OBJECT:
var inner_class_path: String = ""
if property_value:
# If the property already holds an object, try to get its script path
for inner_property: Dictionary in property_value.get_property_list():
if inner_property.has("hint_string") and inner_property["hint_string"].contains(".gd"):
inner_class_path = inner_property["hint_string"]
# Recursively deserialize nested objects
_class.set(property.name, json_to_class(load(inner_class_path), value))
elif value:
var script_type: GDScript = null
# Determine the script type for the nested object
if value is Dictionary and value.has("script_inheritance"):
script_type = get_gdscript(value["script_inheritance"])
script_type = get_gdscript(property. class_name )
# If the value is a resource path, load the resource
if value is String and value.is_absolute_path():
_class.set(property.name, ResourceLoader.load(get_main_tres_path(value)))
# Recursively deserialize nested objects
_class.set(property.name, json_to_class(script_type, value))
# Case 2: Property is an Array
elif property_value is Array:
if property.has("hint_string"):
var class_hint: String = property["hint_string"]
if class_hint.contains(":"):
# Extract class name from hint string (e.g., "24/34:ClassName")
class_hint = class_hint.split(":")[1]
# Recursively convert the JSON array to a Godot array
var arrayTemp: Array = convert_json_to_array(value, get_gdscript(class_hint))
# Handle Vector arrays (convert string elements back to Vectors)
if type_string(property_value.get_typed_builtin()).begins_with("Vector"):
for obj_array: Variant in arrayTemp:
# Case 3: Property is a simple type (not an object or array)
# Special handling for Color type (stored as a hex string)
if property.type == TYPE_COLOR:
value = Color(value)
if property.type == TYPE_INT and property.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM:
var enum_strs: Array = property.hint_string.split(",")
var enum_value: int = 0
for enum_str: String in enum_strs:
if enum_str.contains(":"):
var enum_keys: Array = enum_str.split(":")
for i: int in enum_keys.size():
if enum_keys[i].to_lower() == value.to_lower():
enum_value = int(enum_keys[i + 1])
_class.set(property.name, enum_value)
_class.set(property.name, value)
# Return the fully deserialized class instance
return _class
## Helper function to find a GDScript by its class name.
static func get_gdscript(hint_class: String) -> GDScript:
for className: Dictionary in ProjectSettings.get_global_class_list():
if className. class == hint_class:
return load(className.path)
return null
## Helper function to recursively convert JSON arrays to Godot arrays.
static func convert_json_to_array(json_array: Array, cast_class: GDScript = null) -> Array:
var godot_array: Array = []
for element: Variant in json_array:
if typeof(element) == TYPE_DICTIONARY:
# If json element has a script_inheritance, get the script (for inheritance or for untyped array/dictionary)
if "script_inheritance" in element:
cast_class = get_gdscript(element["script_inheritance"])
godot_array.append(json_to_class(cast_class, element))
elif typeof(element) == TYPE_ARRAY:
return godot_array
#region Class to Json
## Stores a JSON dictionary to a file, optionally with encryption.
static func store_json_file(file_path: String, data: Dictionary, security_key: String = "") -> bool:
var file: FileAccess
if security_key.length() == 0:
file = FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.WRITE)
file = FileAccess.open_encrypted_with_pass(file_path, FileAccess.WRITE, security_key)
if not file:
printerr("Error writing to a file")
return false
var json_string: String = JSON.stringify(data, "\t")
return true
## Converts a Godot class instance into a JSON string.
static func class_to_json_string(_class: Object, save_temp_res: bool = false) -> String:
return JSON.stringify(class_to_json(_class, save_temp_res))
## Converts a Godot class instance into a JSON dictionary.
## This is the core serialization function.
static func class_to_json(_class: Object, save_temp_res: bool = false, inheritance: bool = false) -> Dictionary:
var dictionary: Dictionary = {}
save_temp_resources_tres = save_temp_res
# Store the script name for reference during deserialization if inheritance exists
if inheritance:
dictionary["script_inheritance"] = _class.get_script().get_global_name()
var properties: Array = _class.get_property_list()
# Iterate through each property of the class
for property: Dictionary in properties:
var property_name: String = property["name"]
# Skip the built-in 'script' property
if property_name == "script":
var property_value: Variant = _class.get(property_name)
# Only serialize properties that are exported or marked for storage
if not property_name.is_empty() and property.usage >= PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE and property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE > 0:
if property_value is Array:
# Recursively convert arrays to JSON
dictionary[property_name] = convert_array_to_json(property_value)
elif property_value is Dictionary:
# Recursively convert dictionaries to JSON
dictionary[property_name] = convert_dictionary_to_json(property_value)
# If the property is a Resource:
elif property["type"] == TYPE_OBJECT and property_value != null and property_value.get_property_list():
if property_value is Resource and ResourceLoader.exists(property_value.resource_path):
var main_src: String = get_main_tres_path(property_value.resource_path)
if main_src.get_extension() != "tres":
# Store the resource path if it's not a .tres file
dictionary[property.name] = property_value.resource_path
elif save_temp_resources_tres:
# Save the resource as a separate .tres file
var tempfile = "user://temp_resource/"
var nodePath: String = get_node_tres_path(property_value.resource_path)
if not nodePath.is_empty():
tempfile += nodePath
tempfile += ".tres"
tempfile += property_value.resource_path.get_file()
dictionary[property.name] = tempfile
ResourceSaver.save(property_value, tempfile)
# Recursively serialize the nested resource
dictionary[property.name] = class_to_json(property_value, save_temp_resources_tres)
dictionary[property.name] = class_to_json(property_value, save_temp_resources_tres, property. class_name != property_value.get_script().get_global_name())
# Special handling for Vector types (store as strings)
elif type_string(typeof(property_value)).begins_with("Vector"):
dictionary[property_name] = var_to_str(property_value)
elif property["type"] == TYPE_COLOR:
# Store Color as a hex string
dictionary[property_name] = property_value.to_html()
# Store other basic types directly
if property.type == TYPE_INT and property.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM:
var enum_value: String = property.hint_string.split(",")[property_value]
if enum_value.contains(":"):
dictionary[property.name] = enum_value.split(":")[0]
dictionary[property.name] = enum_value
dictionary[property.name] = property_value
return dictionary
## Extracts the main path from a resource path (removes node path if present).
static func get_main_tres_path(path: String) -> String:
var path_parts: PackedStringArray = path.split("::", true, 1)
if path_parts.size() > 0:
return path_parts[0]
return path
## Extracts the node path from a resource path.
static func get_node_tres_path(path: String) -> String:
var path_parts: PackedStringArray = path.split("::", true, 1)
if path_parts.size() > 1:
return path_parts[1]
return ""
## Helper function to recursively convert Godot arrays to JSON arrays.
static func convert_array_to_json(array: Array) -> Array:
var json_array: Array = []
for element: Variant in array:
if element is Object:
json_array.append(class_to_json(element, save_temp_resources_tres,!array.is_typed()))
elif element is Array:
elif element is Dictionary:
elif type_string(typeof(element)).begins_with("Vector"):
return json_array
## Helper function to recursively convert Godot dictionaries to JSON dictionaries.
static func convert_dictionary_to_json(dictionary: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
var json_dictionary: Dictionary = {}
for key: Variant in dictionary.keys():
var value: Variant = dictionary[key]
if value is Object:
json_dictionary[key] = class_to_json(value, save_temp_resources_tres)
elif value is Array:
json_dictionary[key] = convert_array_to_json(value)
elif value is Dictionary:
json_dictionary[key] = convert_dictionary_to_json(value)
json_dictionary[key] = value
return json_dictionary