const TimelineShaderShared = ShaderShared + ` #define SAMPLE_HEIGHT 16.0 #define SAMPLE_BORDER 2.0 #define SAMPLE_Y_SPACING (SAMPLE_HEIGHT + SAMPLE_BORDER * 2.0) #define PIXEL_ROUNDED_OFFSETS struct Container { float x0; float y0; float x1; float y1; }; struct TimeRange { float msStart; float msPerPixel; }; struct Row { float yOffset; }; uniform Viewport inViewport; uniform TimeRange inTimeRange; uniform Container inContainer; uniform Row inRow; float PixelOffset(float time_ms) { float offset = (time_ms - inTimeRange.msStart) * inTimeRange.msPerPixel; #ifdef PIXEL_ROUNDED_OFFSETS return floor(offset); #else return offset; #endif } float PixelSize(float time_ms) { float size = time_ms * inTimeRange.msPerPixel; #ifdef PIXEL_ROUNDED_OFFSETS return floor(size); #else return size; #endif } vec4 SampleQuad(int vertex_id, vec4 in_sample_textoffset, float padding, out vec4 out_quad_pos_size_px) { // Unpack input data float ms_start = in_sample_textoffset.x; float ms_length = in_sample_textoffset.y; float depth = in_sample_textoffset.z; // Determine pixel range of the sample float x0 = PixelOffset(ms_start); float x1 = x0 + PixelSize(ms_length); // Calculate box to render // Ensure no sample is less than one pixel in length and so is always visible float offset_x = inContainer.x0 + x0 - padding; float offset_y = inRow.yOffset + (depth - 1.0) * SAMPLE_Y_SPACING + SAMPLE_BORDER - padding; float size_x = max(x1 - x0, 1.0) + padding * 2.0; float size_y = SAMPLE_HEIGHT + padding * 2.0; // Box range clipped to container bounds float min_x = min(max(offset_x, inContainer.x0), inContainer.x1); float min_y = min(max(offset_y, inContainer.y0), inContainer.y1); float max_x = min(max(offset_x + size_x, inContainer.x0), inContainer.x1); float max_y = min(max(offset_y + size_y, inContainer.y0), inContainer.y1); // Box quad position in NDC vec2 position = QuadPosition(vertex_id, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y); vec4 ndc_pos = UVToNDC(inViewport, position); out_quad_pos_size_px.xy = vec2(position.x - offset_x, position.y - offset_y); = vec2(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y); return ndc_pos; } `; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sample Rendering // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TimelineVShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` in vec4 inSample_TextOffset; in vec4 inColour_TextLength; out vec4 varColour_TimeMs; out vec4 varPosInBoxPx_TextEntry; out float varTimeChars; void main() { // Unpack input data float ms_length = inSample_TextOffset.y; float text_buffer_offset = inSample_TextOffset.w; vec3 box_colour = inColour_TextLength.rgb; float text_length_chars = inColour_TextLength.w; // Calculate number of characters required to display the millisecond time float time_chars = NbIntegerCharsForNumber(ms_length); // Calculate sample quad vertex positions vec4 quad_pos_size_px; gl_Position = SampleQuad(gl_VertexID, inSample_TextOffset, 0.0, quad_pos_size_px); // Pack for fragment shader varColour_TimeMs = vec4(box_colour / 255.0, ms_length); varPosInBoxPx_TextEntry = vec4(quad_pos_size_px.x, quad_pos_size_px.y, text_buffer_offset, text_length_chars); varTimeChars = time_chars; } `; const TimelineFShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` in vec4 varColour_TimeMs; in vec4 varPosInBoxPx_TextEntry; in float varTimeChars; out vec4 outColour; void main() { // Font description float font_width_px = inTextBufferDesc.fontWidth; float font_height_px = inTextBufferDesc.fontHeight; // Text range in the text buffer vec2 pos_in_box_px = varPosInBoxPx_TextEntry.xy; float text_buffer_offset = varPosInBoxPx_TextEntry.z; float text_length_chars = varPosInBoxPx_TextEntry.w; float text_length_px = text_length_chars * font_width_px; // Text placement offset within the box const vec2 text_start_px = vec2(10.0, 3.0); vec3 box_colour = varColour_TimeMs.rgb; // Add a subtle border to the box so that you can visually separate samples when they are next to each other vec2 top_left = min(pos_in_box_px.xy, 2.0); float both = min(top_left.x, top_left.y); box_colour *= (0.8 + both * 0.1); float text_weight = 0.0; // Are we over the time number or the text? float text_end_px = text_start_px.x + text_length_px; float number_start_px = text_end_px + font_width_px * 2.0; if (pos_in_box_px.x > number_start_px) { vec2 time_pixel_pos; time_pixel_pos.x = pos_in_box_px.x - number_start_px; time_pixel_pos.y = max(min(pos_in_box_px.y - text_start_px.y, font_height_px - 1.0), 0.0); // Time number float time_ms = varColour_TimeMs.w; float time_index = floor(time_pixel_pos.x / font_width_px); if (time_index < varTimeChars + 4.0) { text_weight = LookupNumber(time_pixel_pos, time_ms, 4.0); } // " ms" label at the end of the time else if (time_index < varTimeChars + 7.0) { const float ms[3] = float[3] ( 32.0, 109.0, 115.0 ); float char = ms[int(time_index - (varTimeChars + 4.0))]; text_weight = LookupCharacter(char, time_pixel_pos.x - time_index * font_width_px, time_pixel_pos.y, font_width_px, font_height_px); } } else { text_weight = LookupText(pos_in_box_px - text_start_px, text_buffer_offset, text_length_chars); } // Blend text onto the box vec3 text_colour = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); outColour = vec4(mix(box_colour, text_colour, text_weight), 1.0); } `; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sample Highlights // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TimelineHighlightVShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` uniform float inStartMs; uniform float inLengthMs; uniform float inDepth; out vec4 varPosSize; void main() { // Calculate sample quad vertex positions gl_Position = SampleQuad(gl_VertexID, vec4(inStartMs, inLengthMs, inDepth, 0.0), 1.0, varPosSize); } `; const TimelineHighlightFShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` // TODO(don): Vector uniforms, please! uniform float inColourR; uniform float inColourG; uniform float inColourB; in vec4 varPosSize; out vec4 outColour; void main() { // Rounded pixel co-ordinates interpolating across the sample vec2 pos = floor(varPosSize.xy); // Sample size in pixel co-ordinates vec2 size = floor(; // Highlight thickness float t = 2.0; // Distance along axes to highlight edges vec2 dmin = abs(pos - 0.0); vec2 dmax = abs(pos - (size - 1.0)); // Take the closest distance float dx = min(dmin.x, dmax.x); float dy = min(dmin.y, dmax.y); float d = min(dx, dy); // Invert the distance and clamp to thickness d = (t + 1.0) - min(d, t + 1.0); // Scale with thickness for uniform intensity d = d / (t + 1.0); outColour = vec4(inColourR * d, inColourG * d, inColourB * d, d); } `; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GPU->CPU Sample Sources // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TimelineGpuToCpuVShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` uniform float inStartMs; uniform float inLengthMs; uniform float inDepth; out vec4 varPosSize; void main() { // Calculate sample quad vertex positions gl_Position = SampleQuad(gl_VertexID, vec4(inStartMs, inLengthMs, inDepth, 0.0), 1.0, varPosSize); } `; const TimelineGpuToCpuFShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` in vec4 varPosSize; out vec4 outColour; void main() { // Rounded pixel co-ordinates interpolating across the sample vec2 pos = floor(varPosSize.xy); // Sample size in pixel co-ordinates vec2 size = floor(; // Distance to centre line, bumped out every period to create a dash float dc = abs(pos.y - size.y / 2.0); dc += (int(pos.x / 3.0) & 1) == 0 ? 100.0 : 0.0; // Min with the start line float ds = abs(pos.x - 0.0); float d = min(dc, ds); // Invert the distance for highlight d = 1.0 - min(d, 1.0); outColour = vec4(d, d, d, d); } `; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Background // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TimelineBackgroundVShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` uniform float inYOffset; out vec2 varPosition; void main() { // Container quad position in NDC vec2 position = QuadPosition(gl_VertexID, inContainer.x0, inContainer.y0, inContainer.x1, inContainer.y1); gl_Position = UVToNDC(inViewport, position); // Offset Y with scroll position varPosition = vec2(position.x, position.y - inYOffset); } `; const TimelineBackgroundFShader = TimelineShaderShared + ` in vec2 varPosition; out vec4 outColour; void main() { vec2 pos = floor(varPosition); float f = round(fract(pos.y / SAMPLE_Y_SPACING) * SAMPLE_Y_SPACING); float g = f >= 1.0 && f <= (SAMPLE_Y_SPACING - 2.0) ? 0.30 : 0.23; outColour = vec4(g, g, g, 1.0); } `;