## Rice Bowl I've created a Dir under .config called Rice Bowl which is something like the Rice Controller / Master ## Install Dependencies ### Fedora ``` sudo dnf install i3 zsh alacritty polybar rofi picom htop neofetch cava wmctrl ``` ## Software Used ### Base - Shell: ZSH - Terminal: Alacritty - Display Manager: - Window Manager: I3 - Compositor: Picom - Program Launcher: Rofi - Panel: Polybar - Notification Server: Dunst - Audio Server: Pipewire ### Progress - [x] Alacritty - [x] i3 - [x] feh - [x] dunst - [x] picom - [x] polybar - [x] rofi - [x] cava - [x] flameshot ### CLI - System Monitor: HTop - Music Visualizer: Cava - Image Viewer: Feh - Fetch: Neofetch ### GUI ## Dir ### Tree ``` ".config/" |__"rice-bowl/" | |__"demon.sh" | |__"config.sh" | | | |__"config/" | | |__"paths.sh" | | |__"fonts.sh" | | |__"styling.sh" | | | |__"scripts/" | | |__"generate_config.sh" | | | | | |__"generators/" | | |__"generate__config.sh" | | | |__"themes/" | |__".sh" | |__"rofi/" | |__"scripts/" | | |__"/" | | |__".sh" | | |__".rasi" | | | |__"themes/" | |__".rasi" | |__"i3/" | |__"config" | | | |__"conf/" | | |__"colors.conf" | | |__"fonts.conf" | | |__"bindings.conf" | | |__"apps.conf" | | |__"apps2.conf" | | |__"workspaces.conf" | | |__"styling.conf" | | |__"styling1.conf | | |__"rules.conf" | | | |__"scripts" | |__"polybar.sh" | |__".sh" | |__"picom/" | |__"picom.conf" | |__"dunst/" | |__"dunstrc" | | | |__"dunstrc.d" | |__"00-colors.conf" | |__"10-fonts.conf" | |__"50-bindings.conf" | |__"80-styling.conf" | |__"polybar/" | |__"launch.sh" | |__"config.ini" | | | |__"config/" | | |__"colors.ini" | | |__"fonts.ini" | | |__"styling.ini" | | | |__"modules/" | | |__"/" | | |__".ini" | | |__"?.sh" | | | | | |__"?config/" | | |__".conf" | | | |__"bars/" | |__".ini" | |__"alacritty/" | |__"alacritty.yml" | | | |__"config/" | |__"colors.yml" | |__"fonts.yml" | |__"styling.yml" ``` ### Files #### rice-bowl/config/paths.txt ``` config-dir = images-dir = wallpaper-dir = screenshot-dir = ``` ## Themeing Engines - GTK - gtkrc - gtk 2 - gtk 3 - gtk 4 ### Important Envoirment Variables - GTK_RC_FILES - GTK2_RC_FILES ### Tools *All of these are their names under fedora* - qt5 - qt5ct - qt4 - qtconfig-qt4 (provided by qtconfig) - gtk - lxappearance