local K = {} --[[ Leader ]] vim.g.mapleader = ' ' --[[ Indentation ]] vim.keymap.set('n', '', '>>') vim.keymap.set('n', '', '<<') --[[ Markdown ]] K.MARKDOWN_PREVIEW = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'mp', description = 'Show Markdown Preview' } --[[ Git ]] K.GIT = { OPEN = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'go', description = 'Open Git' }, HUNK = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'gh', description = 'Toggle Inline Git Diff' }, BLAME = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'gb', description = 'Toggle Inline Git Blame' } } --[[ Terminal ]] K.TOGGLE_TERMINAL = { mode = { 'n', 't' }, shortcut = '', description = 'Toggle Terminal' } --[[ Snippets ]] K.SNIPPETS = { ACCEPT_OR_JUMP = { mode = { 'i', 's' }, shortcut = '', }, JUMP_BACKWARDS = { mode = { 'i', 's' }, shortcut = '', } } --[[ Search ]] K.SEARCH = { FIND_FILE = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'ff', description = 'Find File' }, FUZZY_FIND = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'fz', description = 'Fuzzy File' }, GLOBAL_FIND_FILE = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'gff', description = 'Global Find File' }, GLOBAL_FUZZY_FIND = { mode = 'n', shortcut = 'gfz', description = 'Global Fuzzy File' }, } --TODO: Port the rest of the Keybindings to here return K