32 lines
1.1 KiB
32 lines
1.1 KiB
extends Node
class_name BunnyGenerator
@export var bunny_prefab : Resource
@export var player : CharacterBody2D
@export var player_save_distance : float = 32.0
@onready var BunnyPrefab : PackedScene = load(bunny_prefab.resource_path)
func spawn_bunny(pos : Vector2, team : int, health : int) -> Bunny:
var bunny = BunnyPrefab.instantiate()
bunny.global_position = pos
bunny.health = health
bunny.team = team
bunny.player = player
return bunny
func spawn_wave(free_tiles : Array, team: int, amount : int, health : int) -> Array:
var bunnys = []
# Make Sure that no possitions to near to the player are insdie of the list
free_tiles = free_tiles.filter(func(val): return val.distance_to(player.global_position) > player_save_distance)
# Make sure amount isnt bigger then available positions
if free_tiles.size() < amount: amount = free_tiles.size()
# Spawn at random positions of the list
for i in amount:
var pos = free_tiles.pick_random()
var bunny = spawn_bunny(pos, team, health)
return bunnys